Saturday, June 20, 2020

1805 Monument Avenue Trespassing Arrest

June 20, 2020

Richmond Police officers were called this morning to investigate a report of an individual spotted on the roof of an unoccupied building overlooking the Lee Monument.

At approximately 6:30 a.m., a 911 call was received from a person at the monument asking RPD officers to respond to deal with the situation.

When the first officer arrived at 6:32 a.m., eyewitnesses told him they had seen the individual on the roof with a firearm.

At approximately 7:47 a.m., as RPD officers were preparing to enter the building, an individual was spotted just outside the building. He was taken into custody. He was armed with a handgun.

The individual has been identified as Riley O’Shaughnessey, 38, of Richmond, a white male. After consultation with the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, he has been charged with trespassing, a Class 1 misdemeanor which is a releasable summons. No photograph is available. There is no weapons charge as it was being carried lawfully.

O’Shaughnessey is employed as an officer with the Richmond International Airport Police Department. At the time of his arrest, he was not carrying any law enforcement identification.

The building was searched. Nothing additional was found. The circle was re-opened to traffic shortly after 10:00 a.m.

The Department would like to thank those individuals who assisted the officers by reporting the trespasser and providing valuable information at the scene.

The investigation is on-going. Additional evidence is being collected and witnesses are being interviewed.